Tokyo Music Theatre

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  • Tokyo Music Theatre: Harajuku
  • Exploring Methods of Acoustic Investigation in Architectural Design
  • May – August 2015
  • M.Arch. Directed Studies Project
  • [AC-CA] Tokyo Music Centre Competition Entrant
  • Catherine He, Thomas Gaudin and Christian Lam

This project is an exploration of a variety of approaches that integrate the subject of acoustics into the architectural design process. The emphasis is on process not product. The four approaches are:

Sound and architectural theory (theoretical knowledge)

Site tours and technician interviews (applied knowledge)

Activity based sonic site analysis (qualitative analysis)

Acoustic modelling and simulation (quantitative analysis)

Theatre design is the architectural topic of interest. In order to focus on process, an existing architectural design project was selected to provide a suitable program and site: Tokyo Music Theatre. Applying these approaches to an existing proposal reveals new design possibilities. The intent is to obtain project specific results as well as to determine the successes, and limitations of each approach.

The full report, including acoustic results and audio simulations, can be downloaded here: